Monday 13 July 2009

If only . . .

One could only wish to be be like the great William Eggleston and say next to nothing in description of his own work. Never was a true explanation given as to the meaning or context of a particular photograph. The only few I've seen are in the film 'William Eggleston and The Real World' (2005) which even then are as vague as they are thought provoking. His work speaks for itself in his instance.

Unfortunetly, in the world that we live in today is a car cry than that of the 1960's and 70's. With the ever changing times of modern technology it is becoming clear that there are lot more photographers out there now plying their trades to try and sneak themselves into the category of 'one of the greats of photography'. An explanation and clear concept is needed for nearly every single piece of art not to mention photography.

This maybe be why I have found myself writing on a Blog, creating my own website and flirting with Flickr. The website to showcase my work as a whole, Flickr to add 100 megabytes of photographs to a month and this the Blog... To explain, to ramble and to put right my thoughts and findings within the field of photography.

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